Could Dyson Spheres Be the Universe’s Missing Mass?

The search for “missing matter” in the universe has failed so many times that some exotic suggestions are being taken more seriously than ever. As Sherlock Holmes famously said, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” In this case, many improbable ideas are being tested to see if … Read more

Your Horoscope Preview: July 7, 2024

Open this photo in the gallery: Cancer.iStockPhoto / Getty Images HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY On your birthday this year, promise yourself that you will do your very best to make your dreams come true. The fact that they are still dreams and not reality means that you need to up your game and … Read more

Dolores Park Hill Bombing Continues as Skaters Dodge SFPD Barricades

Despite San Francisco police urging skaters to stay away from Dolores Park today, the annual hill bombing event went ahead — and was quieter than expected. Skaters attending the highly anticipated hill bomb skipped the heavily barricaded Dolores Street hill and instead rolled through the park before taking on the steeper Church Street. There was … Read more